EUeInvoicing is an innovation proposal of the Catalan electronic invoicing solutions to the new European Union standard EN 16931 in order to have a common electronic invoicing rule in Europe and to facilitate the massive use of electronic invoicing in the public and private Catalan sector.
EUeInvoicing solutions will allow the main entities that issue and receive invoices in Catalonia representing the public and private sector to update their existing eInvoicing systems.
In the public sector, the electronic invoice delivery point e.FACT, from CAOC (Consorci Administració Oberta de Catalunya), and the invoice receipt system, of the Barcelona City Council, managed by the “Municipal Informatics Institute” (IMI), will be updated to the standard.
On the other hand, in the private sector, the eInvoicing platforms PimeFactura, managed by PIMEC, and Cambra eBusiness, of the Chamber of Barcelona, will also be adapted to the norm. During the one-year project, it will also be studied how the results can be exported to other EU countries and sectors.
The EUeInvoicing project, coordinated by Eurecat, is co-funded by the European Commission through the Connecting Europe Facility program of the Executive Agency for Innovation and Networks (INEA) – Innovation and Networks Executive Agency.