EUeInvoicing project

EUeInvoicing is an innovation proposal of the Catalan electronic invoicing solutions to the new European Union standard EN 16931 in order to have a common electronic invoicing rule in Europe and to facilitate the massive use of electronic invoicing in the public and private Catalan sector.

EUeInvoicing solutions will allow the main entities that issue and receive invoices in Catalonia representing the public and private sector to update their existing eInvoicing systems.

In the public sector, the electronic invoice delivery point e.FACT, from CAOC (Consorci Administració Oberta de Catalunya), and the invoice receipt system, of the Barcelona City Council, managed by the “Municipal Informatics Institute” (IMI), will be updated to the standard.

On the other hand, in the private sector, the eInvoicing platforms PimeFactura, managed by PIMEC, and Cambra eBusiness, of the Chamber of Barcelona, will also be adapted to the norm. During the one-year project, it will also be studied how the results can be exported to other EU countries and sectors.

The EUeInvoicing project, coordinated by Eurecat, is co-funded by the European Commission through the Connecting Europe Facility program of the Executive Agency for Innovation and Networks (INEA) – Innovation and Networks Executive Agency.

Public Sector Platforms
Private Sector Platforms


  • Upgrade the eInvoice generation existing services and e.FACT eInvoicing platform to comply with the new eInvoicing standard.
  • Implement PEPPOL eDelivery Access Points (AS2) for eInvoice generation service Pimefactura and another one for e.FACT to receive eInvoices.
  • Upgrade the notification service for the three eInvoicing platforms (Cambra eBusiness, Pimefactura and e.FACT) compliant with European eInvoicing standards.
  • Develop a strategy for the future implementation of new electronic invoicing systems for both private and public administrations.


Cambra eBusiness

eInvoicing solution managed by the Chamber of Barcelona targeted to large companies that need to send large amounts of electronic invoices. The platform supports different formats of invoices like CSV, UBL, EDI, Facturae XML and PDF and allows direct integration with ERPs from large companies.Més informació »


Free-of-charge eInvocing solution managed by PIMEC, the organization representing employers of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises as well as self-employed workers in Catalonia. The platform is connected to FACe and e.FACT and sends both Facturae and PDF.Més informació »


e.FACT is the eInvoicing service for Catalan public administrations for the reception of electronic invoices. Managed by CAOC, receives all invoices for public administrations, validates them, and sends them to the final recipient.Més informació »

Barcelona City Council eInvoicing Reception Portal

Access point for all electronic invoices received. The system allows the public administration to process them and send a formal response to the original issuer.Més informació »


This activity aims at supporting the sound management of the action, coordinating the beneficiaries, activities, administrative and financial procedures.

This activity aims at identifying existing solutions and their eInvoicing implementations.

This activity aims at adapting PimeFactura to the European eInvocing standard and integrate it with PEPPOL eDelivery Access Point (AS2).

This activity will adapt and upgrade e.FACT to the European eInvoicing Standard implementing invoice validation, register, archive and delivery to final administration functionalities.

This activity aims at deploying and operating PEPPOL eDelivery Access Point (AS2) in PIMEC and CAOC platforms.

This activity aims at implementing notification messages for electronic invoices compliant with the European eInvoicing standard.

This activity aims at deploying an eInvoicing system ensuring its compliance with the European eInvoicing standard.

This activity aims at elaborating a strategy for the future implementation of both private and public administration eInvoicing solutions.

This activity will support the communication and dissemination of the implementation of the solution and ensure engagement of all the relevant stakeholders in Catalonia.